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December 5, 2024End Shoulder Pain with Chiropractic Tips & Solutions
Our shoulders are incredibly active, even when we don’t realize it. From putting on a seat belt to making a bed to getting dressed, the shoulder joint and tissues work tirelessly to help you perform numerous daily activities. Because of their regular use, shoulder pain is a common symptom among people of all ages and lifestyles.
Chiropractors understand the body’s musculoskeletal system and how the joints, tissues, and spine must work together to achieve peak function and comfort.
Here, we go over top chiropractic ways to reduce shoulder pain naturally and how chiropractic care can help alleviate your discomfort at the source. Let’s get to it.
Natural Ways to Reduce Shoulder Pain at Home or Work
Shoulder pain can originate from several sources, including a sports accident, work injury, years of wear and tear, or anything in between. If it becomes chronic, you may have difficulty adhering to your routine.
While you should always seek medical attention when in pain, these safe, natural, chiropractor-approved tips can help you find shoulder pain relief no matter where you are.
Rest the shoulder
Rest is vital to recovery; it gives the body time to restore and reduces the risk of further harming the shoulder joint and surrounding soft tissues.
Sleep is especially important when injured. While in deep sleep, the body releases hormones crucial to tissue repair. Sleep provides the ultimate time and environment for the body’s healing properties to awaken, so be sure to get quality sleep.
Apply heat and ice therapy to the shoulder
Ice or cold treatment applied directly to the area numbs pain and temporarily dissuades circulation. This prevents further inflammation, which can cause pain and restricted movement.
Heat therapy removes tension and ignites healthy blood flow that carries oxygen and nutrients that nurture healing.
If you suffer from an acute or sudden injury, start with ice treatment for 24 hours to reduce swelling before implementing heat.
After inflammation has been controlled, apply each therapy for 10-15 minutes in 3-4 sessions daily, alternating between them.
Gently stretch and massage the shoulder and surrounding areas
While rest is critical, movement is, too. Gentle stretching and massage will contribute to healing and comfort by stimulating circulation, removing pressure and tension, and activating unaffected tissues.
This movement is important because too much downtime often leads to further weakness, lost flexibility, and heightened pain, and it can even generate another injury.
Remember to never push through pain. Listen to your body and stop movements that are adding too much discomfort.
Chiropractic Methods to Treat Shoulder Pain for Lasting Relief
Partnering with your experienced local chiropractor is often the best first step after feeling the signs of shoulder pain.
A chiropractor uses a comprehensive approach to care, finding the initial cause of your discomfort, as the original injury may be elsewhere in the body.
Common injuries or conditions related to shoulder pain include:
- Disc herniation or other disc injury
- Arthritis
- Rotator cuff injury
- Pinched nerve
- Neck injury
- Sprain, strain, or inflammation
These may appear for numerous reasons, so finding the injury is only one part of treatment. You must also learn how to better support your body to reduce the risk of re-injury.
Visit Our Pittsburgh Chiropractic Clinic for Shoulder Comfort & Lifestyle Guidance
At Fox Chapel Chiropractic, we have several noninvasive solutions to treat shoulder pain and the injury that’s causing it. We know your body is in a state of distress and provide conservative methods that empower natural healing, working with your body, not against it.
Chiropractic treatments we offer for shoulder pain include:
- Chiropractic adjustment
- Therapeutic exercise
- Manual therapy
- Lifestyle guidance
- Exercise, stretching, and postural support
- And more
Let our team go over your unique routine and body mechanics so we can create the optimal healing strategy. We know you want to return to the lifestyle you enjoy in comfort. Contact us today, and let’s get you back in action.